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The difference between thermostat and motor thermal protector
 Sep 09, 2021|View:529

Temperature controller refers to the automatic control element used to maintain the temperature in the set range when the appliance is under normal working condition. Motor thermal protector is if appliances appeared abnormal working state, to ensure that the temperature is less than (or less than) a control element can be manually reset temperature limit, can be automatically reset, and even can be reset, is a different element, Chinese name is called thermal fuse (is a one-off overheating protection device).

Motor thermal protector from AINUO

Although in actual use, the thermostat is often used for generic accused the warm temperature sensitive elements such as motor thermal protector, and their structures are basically the same, but their purpose is very different: the thermostat is in normal working state under the action of element, is used to maintain or limit temperature of components under normal working state; And the thermal protector is in the appliance in the abnormal working state of the action of the components. Therefore, the thermostat and the motor protector belong to two different use properties of the components.

When using, no matter temperature controller or motor thermal protector, it is connected in series in appliance line commonly, when sensing temperature exceeds (or below) set value, component automatically cuts off circuit or connects circuit, prevent temperature to rise further (or reduce). Because temperature controller and earnest break device technology mature, action is reliable and price is appropriate, and can act for many times, therefore, get extensive application in home appliance product.